The costs of “costless” climate mitigation

The IPCC and leading economic models have different ideas about emissions reduction costs.

Climate risk is financial risk

“Diversifying risk is nigh impossible when it affects the entire planet.”

How I Greened My Prewar Co-op

A climate economist overhauls his leaky, 200-year-old co-op.

Carbon Dioxide as a Risky Asset

Christian Science Monitor: “Tesla news looks grim. But the bigger picture for EVs is a bright one.”

by Stephanie Hanes

Synthesis of evidence yields high social cost of carbon due to structural model variation and uncertainties

Draft available upon request. Comments welcome.

Ausschuss für Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomie

Leipzig, Germany

Averting Climate Catastrophe Requires Economic Growth

Improving energy efficiency is not enough for advocates of degrowth, who espouse energy sufficiency as the best way to fight climate change. But their argument is absurd: using limited inputs more efficiently is the definition of economic productivity – which, in turn, boosts growth.

NPR: “Startups want to geoengineer a cooler planet. With few rules, experts see big risks”

by Julia Simon

CNBC: “Climate change could cost Americans born in 2024 nearly $500,000 in their lifetime”

by Annie Nova

Solar Geoengineering To Cool the Planet: Is It Worth the Risks?

by Renée Cho

Marketplace: What to expect from Tesla ahead of quarterly results

by Mitchell Hartman

CBS: “Making a Case for Fighting Climate Change as a Strategic Imperative”

by Katie Gilbert


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